Hello, dear friends!
I've been asked if we will have sewing help classes in the summer of 2020, and the answer is...I just don't know!
June will be too soon for us to get together. I am signed up for the Cedar Key Arts Center classroom for the first Mondays of July, August, and October and the third Monday of September, since the first Monday is Labor Day and the second Monday is scheduled to be a day for Katy Gerritt's sit and sew group (to which all are invited). Classes will be from 10:30-1:30 if we are able to meet.
But who knows if it will be safe to be in a group indoors? We would need to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart. Is it even possible to teach someone from a distance of 6 feet? I just don't know!
Please call to register a week or so ahead of the class and I will be able to tell you if I will be at the Arts Center. In the meantime, FaceTime works well for video conferences and I have Zoom on my computer. I expect I can figure it out! Text messaged or emailed photos have been working well for getting questions answered. Sometimes a photo isn't necessary and a tested or spoken conversation works fine.
Here's hoping you are all well and happily finishing lots of UFOs! I do know that I am!